I think I'm gonna have to road trip out to SoCal for this one!!!! =)
Hello all. Another few months go by and I finally make a post to this thing. I think this year I'll try to keep updates a bit more frequent....LOL
Right now, I'm lamenting the lack of a straight edge scene down here in the Phoenix, AZ area. I'm continually shocked that there aren't any bands, labels or zines here. What the hell is that about???? I guess I'll have to DIY....I did see a car once at a Walgreens down the street from my place that had a big straight edge sticker in the back window. I left some of my SXE stickers under the windshield wiper blades with my email on the back but never heard anything from whoever that was. Too bad. I'd really like to be in another hardcore band but we'll see what happens.
Anyway, that's it for now. Anyone that knows anyone down this way, especially if they are older and still straight edge, please pass this along and have them contact me!
True Till Death
Eric =)